• PC Setups and Upgrades

  • New PC setups.

  • Upgrading hard drive or any other hardware

  • Adding/Upgrading Memory

  • Troubleshooting and Repairs

  •  PC won't start up or no function at all

  •  PC crashes, gets stuck or stops working

  •  Shuts down intermittently

  •  Or any other issue you might have

  • Spyware and Viruses Completely Removed

  • Remove spyware that could be malicious and or annoying

  • Remove viruses that could be residing in your computer

  • Wired or Wireless Networking

  • Install and configure wireless routers so they are secure for you and blocked from intruders

  • Install wired networks or repair existing wired connections

  • Install in-wall wiring for all hardwired connections with wall plate jacks

  • Remote printing, file sharing

  • Hard Drive Cleanup and Complete PC Backups

  • Remove programs no longer used and cleanup any remains or programs not completely uninstalled

  • Verify and remove any registry conflicts

  • Create complete image of your Hard Drive

  • Backup all of the files you would need if your PC died.

  • Show you how to backup your system to avoid disaster

  • Tweaking and Tuning

  • Tweak your PC so it boots up and shuts down faster

  • Turn off all unneeded programs that startup with your PC

  • Correct any conflict that show in your device manager

  • Adjust different setting that allow your pc to run faster and more efficient

  • Home Theater Installations and video game console configurations

  • Hardwire all of your home theater components

  • Wall mount your LCD or Plasma television

  • Run all wires in the walls for speakers and/or network wiring

  • Configure game consoles for optimal HD configurations

  • Connect the game system to compatible Computers for file sharing

  • Configure universal remotes for 1 touch use.





Explanations of Our Services

PC Setups and Upgrades

With the purchase of a new PC there will always be software you don't need or trial software that will steal your resources. With a combination of Tweaking and Tuning, FYI Techs will remove that software and tweak the machine to run much better, faster and more efficient. Or, as an upgrade, you may need a larger hard drive or a 2nd hard drive. We will assist in the migration of files from the old drive to the new.


Troubleshooting and Repairs

There are many aspects to troubleshooting but we are there for all of them. Whether it's a PC that will not start up, it shuts down on it's own, or has a mind of it's own. Maybe you have a printer that will not print or your internet isn't working right.


Spyware and Viruses

These can be a nightmare for all computer users and they are very easily installed on your pc. Something as simple as a program you downloaded, a website visited or a video file. Open any one of them and BAM, your infected. Some are annoying and others are malicious in nature. We can target and eliminate all of them. There are very tricky methods used to get you to install or repair them and most are very deceptive and just want to get money from you. Some examples cam be found HERE.


Wired and Wireless Networking

We can run wires for a  wired and secure network. Or we can configure your wireless network for complete security while you are online. A wireless router without the right security setting is like leaving your house open and going on vacation. You are inviting all sorts of trouble. Let FYI Techs show you how to protect your network from intruders. We can also connect your wireless laptops to any printer connected to a desktop or any wireless printer for complete freedom. We can also set up file sharing so that all computers on your network can share music, videos or any other files.


Hard Drive Cleanup and Backup

This is something VERY IMPORTANT for us, and should be for you. What would you do if you turned off your PC and it never turned back on? What would you lose? How many pictures, songs or important files would be lost FOREVER? Let FYI Tech Services show you how to backup your PC so that never happens.


Tweaking and Tuning

If you have had a computer for quite a while there are bound to be files and/or programs you no longer need or use. FYI Techs will remove all aspects of that software to free up space and possibly resources to make your PC faster. We will also make some configuration changes to speed up the PC in all areas.


Home Theater and Game Configurations

FYI Techs can install and configure your home theater so you get the most out of your equipment. As well as hide all of the wiring involved. We do all phases of in-wall wiring from networking to home theater systems. We can also configure your game systems to share files so you can view them on your television.

How many remote controls do you use to watch television? If it is more than 1, let us show you how we can simplify your control of all of the electronics in your living area.